суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


I was going home tonight...� and was behind a van.� I was getting aggrevated because he wasnapos;t moving-- and saw a lady messing around with plastic in the back of the van.� So I�started thinking maybe it was an emergency vehicle of some sort.. Or a senior emergency or something....� anyway, so a hugeass guy comes from the side of the road and hops in the van and it starts moving.�� Momentarily, Iapos;m happy and glad to not be stuck behind this damn van on a one way at 2AM.
Then, the asshole throws something out his window... Like, not just drops it, but THROWS�it.
To this, Iapos;m sorta pissed.� Then I see him do it again and am really pissed. Like I�wanted to lay on my horn and yell at him or something for littering in all these other peoples yards.�
Then, as Iapos;m going around the corner to get out from behind him, I�realize...�



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