понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

art gallery minneapolis

Today was not one of my best. I woke up around 5 and spent the entire mourning straightning my hair and trying to make myself appear beautiful which is a hard task to do. I came to school and the first thing i saw was luke and jamie holding hands jamie and me joked around and i went to class. As second period came around i had to sit next to hannah. Me and Hannah have been on a bite of an awkward streek. I have no clue what happend we were best friends for a year we were together none stop and i use to be able to tell her everything. Now she has this stuck up attitude she was mean to my friends and i couldnt help but say it "STOP�BEING�A�BITCH�youve been one for a long time now and iapos;m sick of it"�Now in the past we could say anything to eachother the honest to god truth always i could tell her ANYTHING now when i try to talk to her i feel like she doesnt care or isnt listening. Idk what to do. Do you ever feel like now matter what you just cant be happy?�I mean my life is pretty good from a far, I am 5apos;8" skinny blonde with good grads and lots of "friends" my parents are married and my family is in a good postion. But for some reason i feel like my life is hopeless and i cant help but wonder how much more i can take.

Who knows maybe this funk will be over soon...

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