среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

andale restaurant san francisco

Yesterday was one of those days you wish you could just hide from.

Start it all off with the fact that I was in severe pain from what it turns out is a kidney infection. Add to that the fact that it was Edapos;s 1st day back to work since the baby was born, so that meant I had to do a lot of stuff I hadnapos;t had to/been able to in almost 2 weeks.

Then add in the water heater breaking for the 3rd/4th time in less than a month, thereby FLOODING my hallway with water. Add in dealing w/ the rudest maintenace dude Iapos;ve ever had to deal with. And my not being able to call Ed because he didnapos;t have a phone # yet.

Then Nick shows me a small, red object he found while Iapos;m running to the bathroom praying to get there in time. Gotta love recovering from c-sections.

Before I can even lock the door, Nickapos;s shoving it open screaming that it hurts. What hurts?? Well, that would be his nose, which he had shoved the small red object into. It was far enough back that I couldnapos;t get it out.

Bustle and hustle to get all 4 kids into Behemoth and drive to E.R. Despite the fact that Iapos;m not technically allowed to drive yet, especially when I have a (at that point) potential kidney infection after having had my c-section and am in metric tons of pain.

Ed gets there, thanks to my friend Jenni dropping him off there instead of at home. I go to the lab, on the other side of the hospital to donate my urine sample for testing for the kidney infection. Just about pass out on the way back to E.R. Where they still havenapos;t seen Nick yet. Note: 7 pounds of baby in a 7 pound carrier is more than I can carry when Iapos;m all but whimpering in pain. Learned that the hard way.

Call my sis to see if she can take Ed Nick home when/if they ever get done. Drive carseat to my sis, and then the other 3 kidlets to home. Ed calls at 8:45-8:50 to say they finally have a room. Ten minutes later he calls to say heapos;s on his way home. Over 3 hours of waiting for something that took about 5 minutes to fix At least it wasnapos;t worse.

Thing is, yesterday was the first time I have ever had to leave my kidlet when it was sick. I am always the one to take kidlets to doctor/hospital/etc. I am always the one who stays with kidlet. This time because of Gabe, I couldnapos;t. I have to stay with Gabe as Iapos;m his only food source, but the E.R. Is the last place I want my 12 day old son to be

I once again got the pleasure of learning that sometimes it truly bites to have to be a responsible adult and do what is better for all, rather than what you want, yesterday. And I all I wanted to do was keep my kidlet close and make it all better. And then go take some painkillers and crash for 8-10 hours straight of sleep when they kicked in.

Not saying I donapos;t trust the Eeeeed, because heapos;s probably the only person on this planet that I would have willingly left my kidlet with at that point. Why yes, I am an uber-protective Mom. Deal.

Yesterday is over. We all survived. Maybe now I can get some more photos of his cuteness up on Flickr Oh yeah, and I still need a general update for LJ, as well as a birth story. Heh, thereapos;s always tomorrow. ;)

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